
It's not a habit, it's cool I feel alive

okay. its not cool. I am blogging about activity on another website! AND cat photos. I need help. HElp? Symptoms include abuse of exclamation points in comment areas and elsewhere.

but here's the last. for a while. I promise. its cracking my shtine up! Don't forget to see styro's comment. HA!


operator number nine said...

hey, did you hear k's choice on the way home from work yesterday too? it's been in my head since then. argh!

Anonymous said...

I wish. I love that song. Her voice is so smoky. Unfortunately, I have still not installed my stereo into my car. So when I do drive around. I sing old elementary assembly songs to myself.

Nice new site btw!

operator number nine said...

reminder: drinking cider through a straw will indeed lead you to producing forty-eight kids.

happy weekend!