
Fire, Firefoxes, & Flickr- the new fotohut

Successful weekend of BBQing. One day, I will be able to man my own fire. When I light it, I have such an accurate vision of being engulfed by flames that I just throw matches into the grill and turn my head. Neither a safe or effective approach.

I have become a severe Flickr addict. Its such a bizarre website to me. I am working my way around it okay but after a bizillion hours I still click on "home" when where I really want to be is "photos". I love choosing favorite pics by other people. I go through photostreams, and suddenly, I see the one, magic composition, and I know. "ahh.[click + to faves]". It's more gratifying than those shopping magazines. Plus some of the comments are very hilarious from people giving unwanted constructive criticism, to inaccurately pointing out things in a photo.

Unfortunately, I use Safari, and Flickr doesn't like it. It shuts me down in swirling vortex mode. I am considering Firefox. I hear its great, but I really hate changing browsers. I'm a stubborn surfer. Any user comments on it?


Anonymous said...

I hear you on the flickr addiction. It's sick, how addicted I am.

I use safari, too, but the only problem I have is trying to use Organizr with too many windows open. Safari crashes.

But it's not bad enough for me to switch to firefox. I, too, hate switching browsers.

Anonymous said...

I think the Organizr does seem to take alot of juice. I also will open countless tabs of other photostreams not wanting to lose the first persons. CRAZINESS.

Today I joined a whole host of groups including "hats and helmets". Very essential photography there. Fun with a purpose!

Send me your name so I can contact you!

Rachel said...

Oh, come on guys, Firefox is the way to go!! Take the plunge!!