
squeeze filiblog aborted

I made the mistake of talking about the song I was supposed to talk about today, yesterday, and frankly I am hungover, and its not funny to me anymore. one more entry might have made it work.

I am freelancing today on a station that is using 9 and Intronet Explunger and it causes some wacked up shtine. the Eebmore website is yellow on yellow. and blogger has all these extending white bars. and I can't even preview this entry. what the?

Last night was a whirlwind that turned out to be the advertisio awards. I talked to an old coworker who has the amazing ability to belt out some very insensitive shit in his race to beat me to the kids, house and home. I thought he was the culprit behind the bad breath I kept smelling. it was so bad, and each time it had the same awfulness that kept making me think of the word 'defenestration'. which I just looked up- and thats the greatest word definition ever:

Main Entry: de·fen·es·tra·tion
Pronunciation: (")dE-"fe-n&-'strA-sh&n
a throwing of a person or thing out of a window

but you knew that didn't you smarty? ok smarty. so then after much other stuff that I can't express now, I landed at the tavern where I thought I would have the conversation I love to speculate with others over when I am tipsish, where I try to convince the person I am talking to that I am Irish, but my teeth are african. Last night the person I tried to convince was 100% African and he assured me that my teeth were mental.


Unknown said...

aw, dang. my page is all f'ed up for you. chances are, I have some contradictory code in there somewhere.

sometimes I wish I knew what the hell I was doing. I'm getting better at the whole css/html thing; but by and large, I'm pretty much a code tard.

I got somethin to say said...

hey- you can't please all the browsers all the time- at least the nose looks the same.