
women in history have rarely got ahead by blah blah blah

you know that bumper sticker about women 'behaving'... is so annoying. I would like to know who they speak of. Because whenever I read it, I think its about women who are bad drivers and are proud of it, or women like Paris Hilton who embrace their internet videos and aren't 'afraid to make fun of themselves'.

I'm not above reading celebrity gossip garbage. here in an interview with Paris Hilty on the Fix. My favorite exchange:

AP: Do you read blogs?

Hilton: What's that?

AP: Um, they're these things on the Internet where people write about news and stuff.

Hilton: No, I don't really read anything on the Internet except my AOL mail. I don't like people who sit on computers all day long and write about people they don't know anything about.

AP: What did you want to be when you were a little girl?

Hilton: A veterinarian, but then I realized I could just buy a bunch of animals.

well if I could afford a gaggle of miniature puppies. maybe I wouldn't have this pastime of contemplation on the net.

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