
Episode 2s are always attack of the clones

For my 18th birthday, my friends decided that I was pathetically lonely and they got me a full grown cat for my birthday without asking me, before unloading me at a surprise family birthday party when they told me we were going dancing. I was no doubt really pissed at my friends for years. They rescued him from a lesbian couple (thats the only explanation I ever got), and I always felt like we would always be a couple.

Then, my family line up took a big change and my mom, baby brother, and second oldest sister were all forced to seperate. I had to move in with my stepgrandmother, and was unable to take Alphie with me. I felt like such a bad mommy. I never chose to have a cat, so I tried to absolve myself of the guilt of seperating from him. My mom and I both agreed that my dad could make up for some lost child support checks (my dads a good guy). So then dad inherited him, and little clawless alfie became a dirt-rolling Carroll County country cat.

This week I brought Alphie to live with me while my dad is on vacation. He spent his first 4 hours under my bed. Now he is sleeping next to me on the sofa. We just watched StarWahs 2. Just like in the good old days.


Unknown said...

Is alphie that disturbing looking thing on your flickr account that scares me under my bed?

Anonymous said...

Alphie is the red-headed stepbrother to Smoke, (sometimes affectionately called 'Smoker'), the inbred well-read rescued Persian cat, featured on Flickr.

Unknown said...

I have a persian of the exact same color. Neither well-read or imbred, but similarly well-feed... and as gay as Liberace on ecstasy in a bath house.

Anonymous said...

your persian sounds like a real party animal. Whats his name?

Unknown said...

I hope you don't mind, but I've stolen a shot of "Smoke" for a post. You see, I'm very bored today.

Oh, and his name is Bruiser.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Smoke is honored to be getting so much internet love. I really hope he makes it into a header with Schnozzle, even though I fear he will end up in a bath with Bruiser.