
first day on the jarb you find:

While heading to Panera bread in the backseat of my new coworkers car, surrounded by countless Simply Red cds, I heard the song on the radio that couldn't have acted on me more in an 80's y6acht rock sense.

I must have relayed 20 times today to all the nice people who asked about my first day-- routine is the key to all my comments. My previous routine was chaos, the consistent routine of drama. now 8 am and conversations about weight watchers. the only conversations I had before were on im about photos, flickr, css, or the occassional ball $having debate.

I am looking forward to sleep right now. Thats what I will think about tomorrow should I have another Bruce Hornsby moment, or even just a memory of that keyboard flourish.


Unknown said...

thank goodness you censored the “s” with a dollar sign. i was almost offended. ;)

Rachel said...

I'm sure you could bring up the topic of ball $having at your new workplace.

Unknown said...

I meant to add my two cents on the whole ball $having debate a few months back, but I think I'm a little late to the whole ball $having debate party.

Perhaps another time.

I got somethin to say said...

It always fascinates me how much attention it always brings when its mentioned.

I get the feeling guys don't talk about this amongst themselves.

So far as the dollar bills go-- maybe in the "how to" video, but I think thats as far as the money will take you.

Unknown said...

"I get the feeling guys don't talk about this amongst themselves."

In my work place, at least, we do. Not that I ever wanted to know, but I know which ones do and don't $have.