
Points of Interest

Last night I caught the tail end of the PBS show Guns, Germs, and Steel. Good Stuff. If I feel guilty for the behavior of my white colonizing people, how did they feel?

Mr. Wrong needs to foster the songs of a fledgling punk band with sentiments like: You think I got time to sit around and figure out about going bankrupt while I’m busy trying to earn a living out here? Huh? You know, to support my Grocery habit?


Unknown said...

O O O I love Guns, Germs and Steel! I suppose one could feel guilty for the colonization and whatnot, but I don’t think that’s Jared Diamond’s point. The West has more “cargo” because of deterministic factors, not because the West was any more inherently colonialist than any other culture. I think his theories are fantastic, but are not the end-all-be-all explanation for the evolution of human history. They fail to explain why or how Europe had any advantages over China, which I think could be explained by the insular nature of confucianism - which is contradictory to the deterministic theory, and leads one to believe that societal influences too have their influence over human history. I think societal and deterministic factors both have their influence blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

WTF am I talking about? I should just stick to fart jokes.

Anonymous said...

whoa. that is some serious social commentary. I hope it comes back on PBS so I can get the rest of what you just said.

Unknown said...

In retrospect, I wish PBS had more fart jokes.