
baby steps to blowing my mind.

I fell asleep reading an article that began, "SCIENTISTS HAVE CREATED THE FIRST MOLECULE THAT CAN MOVE IN A STRAIGHT LINE BY ITSELF ON A FLAT SURFACE BY MIMICKING HOW A PERSON WALKS" (this link only takes you to the google search of a Sci Am subscribers site, which I haven't bothered to do but you can still witness some of it.)

I kept thinking that I must not have been fully comprehending what it was trying to say because its just totally nuts. Shoot me in the head and call me an old woman because I can't deal with the reality that the molecules in my body can just walk off the job if they eventually learn to "mimick the way a person talks".

so in other walking news, but not really, just not wanting to post twice having not posted for a while-- I have been looking at some old family slides. It is blowing my mind that after thirty years of witnessing my own cute toddlertude on the wall, that I am now at the age my parents were in these pics! And while my mom was more fit than I am (after already having popped out 4 kids!) I am much more young for my age than she was. She wasn't blogging, taking retarded pictures for selfportaittuesday, and drinking alot of beajolais noveau (sp). umm.

I began thinking how the family needs have gotten so amped for much fewer kids. We had an old woodie stationwagon for a while. But we also had a VW bug, and old brown chevette, a Datsun, and a Chevy Eurosport. With the exception of our stationwagon our family never remotely owned anything SUVish. Friends I have now who are anticipating kids or have them all have Jeep Wranglers, subarus, or are trading in two-doors certainly, but sometimes sedans for hugely roomy cars as if its impossible otherwise. I guess once you have 5 kids, you can never afford to take the whole family anywhere. Don't kidseats fit in cars?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You have to remember that when we were kids we didn't need no stinkin' car seats. These car seats are GINORMOUS.

I refuse to wear seat belts (mostly). Cars aren't made for short people. The belt cuts across my neck.

If I'm in an accident my head will be severed.