
Detailed Account of a ball touching down lovingly into my open arms

Originally uploaded by owizard.

My brother gave me the opportunity of a moment of glory in the second half. Its made my friggin week! We were in the 20, and I will be honest I am not sure what else was happening except that my brother told me to go out to the far right corner, loud enough for everyone to hear. When I got out and I heard him yell "ball's up" and I turned around to see from my periph, the guy (shown in red) coming to knock glory and wind away from me, but as the ball felll to the earth it wanted to be with me and not him. Then. an overwhelming warm feeling. warm piggy and applause. love.

I just realized I drew my sex incorrectly. that should be nun with a cross symbol.

I hope that people can read that story and kinda feel the way I do.

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