
berries and bellyaches

I accepted a krispy kreme donut about 2 hours ago and now its tearing up my stomach, and why they usually are gross to me. My inner survival bear said "no!", but 3:00 p.m. crash said, "anything".

Today was one of those days where unexpected self-employmentness kicked in. I met with a very kick-ass tax preparer with a southern accent who told me that I kept really good records. He also told me I needed $2400 in medical expenses to qualify for a schedule A. I have no idea what that means, but if I could travel back in time, I would eat 6 krispy kremes and call 911 and that would do the trick. Incidentally, my boy Briane Greene was on Letterman last night condensing string theory into macoroni and cheese. I've never heard him discuss time travel before, but I guess thats what happens when you sensationalize already sensationalized consumer physics.

After tax preparation, I show up for a radio spot that made me a quick $10. I just stood there and yelled with my bag on my shoulder. I went to cleancuts after to watch protools magic with schoolyard effect. A guy there got into a story about the weather that turned into his experience with RichardThompson in London. He was so quintessentially musician slash producer. I felt pro.

Finally I got into the office where the Admin assistant was raring to go off on NPR and the Schiavo case. So I got hardly anything done. I am so bad at just saying, "I really need to work." Anyway I made these 2 assessments about the news today:
1. Republicans slash insane religious folk are like that bad friend(girl to girl) in those lists of "women to watch out for". They talk incessantly-about themselves. They make backhanded compliments to you and somehow get everyones attention and when you go to confide something they suddenly have some new dramatic episode.

2. People who complain about rising gas prices drive me nuts. What did one brilliant office manager say? oh? whatever get over it?

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