
lock and loll

I went to see the phenomenon known as Guitar Wolf this weekend and it began like 2 other different shows I know. church. and Lifter Puller.

Lotsa fists pumping in the air and people singing along and as the crowd sways. I get observation overload trying to flesh out the herd poison, listen to the music, and form an opinion. Ok so thats not whats physically happening in church, but practically.

After they let some overjealous young punk confusingly take the reigns of the guitar, they were definitely RNR in my book- but not without an element of cheese. People will undoubtedly disagree with me. Not in this abandoned wind tunnel, but in other rock forums.

After watching hours upon hours of Sex in the City, I picture myself, as Carrie Bradshaw does, typing the crucial onscreen question that ties the episode together: What makes Guitar Wolf cool and the Darkness lame? Maybe I will bring it up and next weeks brunch.

One last comment on the show. Stagediving football: Our position was on the wings. Two mature heavy duty fullbacks stood nearby watching the crowd. They were kinda big brothering us from the glory touchdown runners in the middle. They're the one who comes out of the pit prepared to puke on you and then tell you about the glorious sail to and from the stage.

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