
Points of Interest

When I first read about Aristocrats, I was excited they were redoing the Disney movie that combined the '101 Dalmations and Lady and the Tramp for cats', into people- featuring Phyllis Diller. What a dream! But then I read further and remembered reading about this in Vanity Fair. Comedy Club after hours were devoted to the long dirty joke that had the punchline, "we're the Aristocrats!". And thats what its about, and sounds equally enjoyable.

In other comedy news: Perry Bible hits the Comedy Central website!

In other comedy news: this guy is taking votes on a tshirt.

In other tshirt news: this guy, and this guy

In comedy and music download news: Don Quiuotes Marijuana

In baltimore and music news: Baltimore club musicmakes its way to San fran, naturally with some white indie person mentions.

In music news: I've finally uploaded my online summer playlist complete with beautiful built in css after being reminded by the stupid haiku contest today.

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