
Some unfounded Batman trivia: (aka Spoiler mania!)

  • they dubbed Christian Bale's Batman voice with Clint Eastwood's to give the Dark Knight more of a 'make my day' sort of attitude. In keeping with this, on the back of the inflated-tire cafe racer, there is a bumper sticker that says this, but you can't see it under the dangerously long cape that somehow never gets caught in the back tire.
  • In the scene where Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhall) is on the phone waiting to be rescued, all of the other male characters in the movie are simultaneously engaging in a love scene in which they are praising one another for being a better type of knight. this scene was cut out for obvious rating issues.
  • John McCain, turned down the role of the Joker at the last minute, due to scheduling conflicts. He cited how he would have used Sid Vicious, Iggy Pop, and Charlie Chaplin as a means for inspiration.
  • the batman suit was darned entirely out of an old 1992 ford escort, with no parts left unused.

countdown to staycation: 1 week!

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