

Looking back, 2007 will go down in history for me as the year I got a $20 Old Navy 50% lambs wool sweater absolutely free.

Looking ahead, I see a lot of potential for this year of biological alarm clock snooze. I'll be celebrating my teaching anniversary this spring, and with that, fistsfuls of praise and presents from students leading me to believe I may be good at it, despite all the procrastination it brings out in me. I've upped my teaching capacity and I will be auditing one class that promises to enrich my life.

Although 2008 includes pursuing teaching tip with more umpheres, I ruled out my original plan-- grad school, offering wider teaching opportunity, but insignificant to cost, dollarbility. (see officewizard finance 2.0)

A teaching colleague sent me this yahooyed list of jobs with major growth, citing number seven as a way to encourage students about their future/choices. Looks like BabyBoomer ButtWiper Assistant is the wave of the future, kids. Heck performance doesn't look too shabby either.

On a smaller scale, I am going to accomplish the things on my google to do list I have been staring at the longest (everyday for six months). That means you, Rent Anil's Ghost and Tori Amos from Enoch Pratt Library and you too new dentist and try to sew Civil War Inspired legwarmers.

1 comment:

Chris said...

New dentist? I'll miss our time spent together in that Michael Soandso's waiting room.