
is it acceptable to have 3 consecutive posts about an ipod?

so I have more commentary on the last extravagent purchase I will make going into a recession. It feels wrong to be consumed by it, but at least its not baby blogging (although I do have an off-colored zinger about babies in store!)

ipod nano commentary for efficient consumption:
• who determined that the wheel was such revolutionary design? its not intuitive to me, and i am practically an Ap[pl]e Genius (the original genius, not the new genius). Also- when I want to FF, I notice that my philanges sometimes graze the top or bottom and interrupt the volume. I am sure that they have workarounds for dummies, but thats not intuitive dammit!

• When I finally get my band started, the name won't begin with an A. I have already started to resent The Adverts and Abida Parveen a little bit for how often they so frequently start in, because I haven't gone through all the proper procedures to get into shuffle mode.

• When you're jogging or [st]wrangling the cord for your FM transmitter, you may notice a warning beep and then the song skips to the next one, don't be alarmed: this is Nano's AI ability to feel your pain for that song. Cute huh? The key is to shake it more than you would at the rate of jogging. Kind of how you would shake a baby. quick, short, violent stops. (whats wrong with this brain, my friends?)

• why does it take three button hits to power off my ipod nano?